King Abdulaziz University
Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Department of European Languages and Literature
Course Title: SYNTAX– Course Code: (LANE 334)
Course Syllabus
Instructor: Dr. Nuha Suleiman Al-Shurafa
Classroom: 826
Bldg.8 Rm.826
Office Hours: Sun.& Tues. 8-9:30&11-12:30
Class Days & Time:
Sun &Tues.9:30-11
Telephone: 695 2000 (ext. 63448)
v Course Description:
This is a three hour credit course that introduces intermediate and advanced students of Linguistics and English with a systematic account of the rules of English Syntax, and acquaints them with the general methodology of syntactic description. It teaches them how to formulate syntactic arguments, and how to apply the right criteria and tests in the analysis of sentences. The technical terms and conceptions needed for discussing English structures are presented step-by-step and all terms are clearly defined and amply illustrated as they are introduced. The text is interspersed throughout with exercises and practical assignments.
v Course Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
- Identify phrase structure rule for different phrase types.
- Draw tree diagrams and brackets to represent the sentence structure.
- Define the “subcategorisation frame”, “argument structure”,
- Describe the notion of adjuncts
- Differentiate between “arguments” and “subcategorized complements”
- Learn about "Topicalisation", and "Levels of Representation".
- Analyse "Relatives", "NP-movement", "Wh-movement" and "Wh-questions".
- Basic "Terminal Categories", such as: "Affix hopping", and "do-support" and "subject-Aux Inversion".
v Course Content:
The following chapters are to be covered in (course code):
- Chapt. (1): Aims and Methods
- Chapt. (2): Constituences
- Chapt. (3): Functions
- Chapt. (4): Processes
- Chapt. (5): None-finite Clauses: Raising and Control
- Chapt. (6): Reanalysis: a problem of Bracketing
- Chapt. (7): Levels of Structure
v Required Textbook:
- Hermann Wekker and Liliane Haegeman. 2005. A Modern Course in English Syntax. London: Routledge.
v Supplementary Textbook(s):
- Fabb, N. (2005). Sentence Structure. 2nd ed. London: Routledge.
- Haegemen, L. (1994). Introduction to government and binding theory. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Tallerman, M. (1998). Understanding syntax. London: Arnold.
- Culicover, P. (1997). Principles and parameters: An introduction to syntactic theory. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Ouhalla, J (1999). Introducing Transformational Grammar . 2nd ed. London: Arnold.)
v Course Assessment:
- Quiz (1) 15%
- Quiz (2) 15%
- Six Tests 30% : (every other week: 6testsx5marks= total of 30 marks)
- Final Exam 40% (January, 2011- end of the Semester- to be announced)
v Attendance policy:
- Students are expected to be punctual and attend all classes
- If a student arrives after the scheduled beginning time for class, it will be put down in the attendance sheet as Late (3 times Late = 1 absence)
- Being absent for more than 20% of allocated course time means that the student will receive a DN (denied from final exam) grade which is equivalent to an F.
v General Policies:
- There will be NO make-up exams
- Medical reports cannot be received in class. To present a medical report, come to the instructor’s office during office hours
- During classes and exams, mobile phones should be turned off or set to silent mode
- Students are expected to know and abide by university policies governing student conduct
- Students are expected to exhibit a high level of personal and academic integrity and honesty
Syntax Syllabus
Sample Qauiz
Last Update
5/7/2011 11:09:52 PM